Blink - Silver - 2019
The silver editions of ‘Blink’ were made for two exhibitions, Kinetica’s ‘Natural instinct’ at Sketch London and ‘Tiny Intricacies – A cache of Kinetic Art’ at The Morris Museum, NJ, USA. Inspired by a childhood fascination with my Grandfather’s glass eye the Blink sculptures are interactive wall mounted kinetic sculptures which respond to the motion of the viewer. Having recently completed a mechanical swan neck in response to the famous 17th Century Silver Swan Automata at the Bowes Museum, I decided to make a new edition of two eyes in silver. This is the first time I have made sculpture using silver since my degree at Middlesex University in London. With these pieces I was able to combine my experience of working with precious metals with mechanical movement and electronics.
“ Blink juxtaposes an obviously artificial eyeball with a disturbingly living eye. Who is watching whom ?” Simon Schaffer - Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at The University of Cambridge
Edition 2 – Currently part of ‘Not Natural’ - Melbourne Science Gallery, Australia Photo - John Coombes